Posted on by Tabatha Hugo de Mello

Banana Brazil is a British brand with a Brazilian DNA. This extraordinary mix brings innovation,  diversity  and  a  different  concept  of lifestyle that faithfully represents and fuses the traditions of both.

Banana  Brazil  is  not  only  stylish  and  modern,  it  is  a  fashion  brand  on the cutting edge, exhibiting sophistication and  timeless  luxury  design. We work with different fashion  designers across the industry, bringing together a network of exceptionally talented, creative and passionate professionals to tailor make the best products for our customers.

Our mission to unite people by changing the way that premium clothing is sourced, produced and distributed in a socially conscious way. We  believe  in  a  fashion  industry  which  values  people, creativity and expression and invite you to join us and experience Banana Brazil for yourself!